Have you ever wanted to throw your cell phone out the window when it didn't do what you wanted? "Its traveling to outer space give it a second" that is the phrase that goes through my head every time I catch myself slamming my fingers on the same button a million times to get it to obey. I remember when I had my first cell phone it NEVER had problems. Or it was just the pure fact that I had one and not many people did, or so I thought.
I gotta tell you I started out with Cricket service. The service that you can only drive from one end of town to the next and then all the sudden there is nothing. Yeah that was awesome!!! It was the mecca of cheap when I was 17. I think I paid $49 bucks a month and had unlimited service. My phone was not so big but the batterie was as big as a car batterie. And you could buy just about any colored cover that plastic made.
My second phone was from cingular. Oh boy that was one crappy service company. And my phone looked like a UFO. But still then I don't remember having as many problems even then. I even went to pay my bill at the store at that time. That was before online bill paying.
My most recent phones have been mainly from T-moble but also from the "Instant Phones Section" At wal-mart. You see I have never thrown my phone out the window but I would like to at times.
I just seem to break them and have to buy new ones.
So if the cell service is getting better then why in the world are they making these computers with a complete glass front that you can put in your pocket?! I still don't get why they are not making these things water proof! I need all this in one Plastic, waterproof and long lasting. I know it sounds like a piece of tupperware but it just might be a must, here in the near future!
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